Secrets revealed!

Remember the whole tattoo thing with sevillana94 and .pease.? No? Click here to check it out. Looks like the secrets were revealed. We still did not identify the other girl on .pease.'s tattoo but the other one was Chris Grau (sevillana94). But what we really wanted to know is WHY did .pease. make the tattoo!


The situation is actually much more complicated than we thought. Chris was about to get married and .pease., for some reason, made that tattoo for the wedding. But the wedding didn't take place because Chris busted her husband with someone else ... With a man!

The mysterious tall guy at the train station that she met a couple of days ago (Click here to read more) was no other than her father that came to see how is she feeling after the wedding was cancelled.

We've spotted Chris a few days ago and she looked quite good for a woman who got her wedding cancelled. She was also looking really glamorous in a colorful outfit.

Guess what? Chris Grau likes Color Blocking!


  1. Just to let you know, .Pease. isn't me anymore and when you featured .pease. with the tattoo it wasn't me anymore already it was someone else, since I'd never dress up my doll that way!
